
Sunday, May 22, 2011

DD #1 Stocking Progress

DD#1 is busy on another stocking. And look at the great progress-this one will be a beauty!

We haven't had a family stitching day for a while now, but we are planning a weekend in Leavenworth WA soon. I think there will be a lot of stitching going on then :)

I got the first installment of the Mystery Sampler by Brenda Gervais (With Thy Needle & Thread) and was so anxious to get it started. But, of course, I didn't have the right size stretcher bars. Today, that was rectified and I will put in my first stitch tonight. How are you doing? Did you get your first installment yet?

More updates to come, I have been stitching on Jardin Prive SAL and finished another Christmas ornament.


mdgtjulie said...

I love your stocking. It looks fab!!! Keep up the good work!!

Tricia said...

Gorgeous! I know the hard work that those stockings take. Great work!!!!

Karen said...

Your DD's stocking is so pretty! Happy stitching...

Nancy said...

THe stocking is so pretty!

Teresa said...

Your stocking is looking wonderful. We are vacationing right now in your beautiful state in Bellingham. Last year we did Leavenworth and had a wonderful time. Hope you have a nice time.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Virpi said...

Looks fantastic! Oh, I wish my daughters would also enjoy stitching when they are a bit older. I have tried to teach my 10 years old daughter to stitch but she didn't have any patience for that.

Christine said...

What a beautiful stocking. I think that is destined to become a treasured heirloom

Maggee said...

Beautiful stocking! I am on vacation -- a stitching one, and finished both borders on the Summer SAL already! Think I will do a flower a day now to wait for the next installment. It looks like a fun piece! Cannot wait to get to that BIRD! Hugs.