
Monday, March 22, 2010

Gay Ann Rogers 2010 Finish!

I can't believe how fast this tree top angel finished! This is my 2nd Gay Ann Rogers project and my confidence is building! I started this angel on February 25th and it took less than one month to complete! The first GAR project I finished (last year) will be posted tomorrow.

I have kitted up Snowflake Girl and Mystery in A Corner, so which one to start next? Happy indecision. :) Have a great day!


  1. Nice finish! I like the sewing theme.

  2. She is so pretty, love the scissors.
    I have never seen or heard of Mystery in a Corner, so my pick is that one

  3. Good job on this Gay Ann Rogers angel!~Very nice~ Faye

  4. Thanks for posting about this on the classroom, Theresa!
    I'm almost through with her. Only I started mine more than 10 years ago! Serial starter and queen procrastinator here. What Watercolors did you use for her? She's really great!
