
Monday, April 19, 2010

Back From the Finisher!

Third Day of Christmas
Renaissance Designs
Stitch guide by Pamela Harding

Didn't this turn out great? I love the bright colors and the bow at the top. My finisher's name is Kathy Klinko-she does really beautiful work. Thanks, Kathy!

As usual, I changed a few things from the stitch guide. I tent stitched the green wreath on the door and embroidered the flowers (using lazy daisy stitch) on top of it. The stitch guide called for a hand-made wreath using a plastic ring and detached buttonhole stitch. Well, I admit that I just couldn't wrap my head around how to do it.

It was also a first for me to use pipe cleaners for the candy canes and stitch over them with Neon Rays. The padded effect was wonderful! Pamela is certainly stretching my stitching ability on these canvases-thanks, Pamela!


  1. You are so dang talented! It is gorgeous!! Is the roof bargello? So pretty- love it.
