
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fabric Covered Boxes

I admit it! I went a little crazy last Christmas and covered FIVE round boxes in fabric. Please don't blame me--it's THEIR fault! I finished one box and couldn't stop myself! :)

Wait a minute-there are only four boxes here? Oh, yes, the other one is packed away in the Christmas decorations-full of ornaments. I promise to take a picture next Christmas (it's a cute one, too, covered in Christmas trees).

Believe me when I tell you that there is a learning curve. Finding the boxes was the easy part. They came all together in one package at JoAnn's. But, I couldn't find the right kind of glue, then I couldn't find the perfect fabric to line the inside of the boxes, then I learned that the large boxes are hard on the hands. (Squeezing the glue bottle hard and long really caused my hands to ache.)

Worst of all, I am still dealing with the guilt of keeping every one of them for myself. Isn't next Christmas soon enough to share the wealth? :)


  1. They're gorgeous - awesome job! And you need to keep some of these things for yourself every now and then...well, at least that's what I try to tell myself! LOL

  2. Lovely boxes - a very neat finish! You have to be selfish sometimes, so don't feel guilty :o)

  3. The covered boxes are pretty.
    I made one and use it for my extra floss.
    My hands ended up being very gluey, lol

  4. I love your covered boxes. I think that you have to keep things for yourself sometimes!!!

  5. Hi Teresa,
    I found you blog thru ABC stitch a long, which I am a member of too. I love your boxes and have got to try them myself.
    in Missouri
