
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Family Stitching Day Results!

My oldest daughter invited me and her sister over for a stitching/movie day yesterday. And look at all the wonderful projects that got worked on! First up is a beautiful Jesus and child. It has a background fully filled-in with flowers and greenery. So there is still a lot for my oldest to finish, but wow, the progress so far is fantastic!
Here is middle daughters progress on a very sweet birth announcement for her friend. She is getting close to finished and it's a good thing-this baby is due the first week of May! It is even cuter in person. :)

Here is my progress on Nancy's Needle Tulip and Fans Quilt. It is moving right along. Isn't that Caron Watercolours overdye just beautiful in the border? Please ignore the bits of the table you can see thru the mesh. :)

Last, but certainly not least, is a new start of mine. I am participating in a mystery 2010 SAL with Sylvia on her blog. I am a bit behind and only have the January block started. If you are interested in having a closer look at this project, click here. Sylvia's blog is written in German, but at the top of the page you can select from a drop-down menu to translate it to English.

What movies did we watch? The Blind Side--if you have not seen this movie, you should! With all the trash coming out of Hollywood these days, this is a rare example of something worthwhile. For those of you familiar with Tim McGraw, the country and western singer-he is in this movie. But with no mustache and no black cowboy hat--he was nearly unrecognizable! Also we watched the Count of Monte Cristo with Jim Caviezel and Richard Harris. It is an older movie but also a good one.


  1. What beautiful WIPs! You are a very talented family.

  2. Love the photos. And we watched the Blind Side here at my house this weekend, too! I watched the first 10 minutes before we went out for dinner and found myself sobbing.

  3. Wow - they are all awesome - wonderful progress for all of you!
