
Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Name is Teresa and I am a Stitching Addict

Nancy's Needle
Tulips and Fans Quilt
18 ct mono canvas
Called-for threads

My name is Teresa and I am a stitching addict. Yes, it has been several days since my last blog posting and I have been busily stitching, trying to finish up this project. Lots of yummy Watercolors threads--love them-no laying required! Now this goes into my "to-be-finished" pile. It will be a few weeks until I can get any further with that pile.

Meanwhile, I must turn my attention to my upcoming vacation and pull together some small projects that will fit in my carry-on luggage. First we will be attending my nephew's high school graduation in Raleigh, NC. Then it will be on to do some fun "touristy"sight-seeing like: Mt Vernon, Monticello, and Colonial Williamsburg. Then on to Indiana to put my MIL's house on the market. Yes, a lot to squeeze into just 2 weeks.

Hope your weekend is including lots of stitches!


  1. Oh Teresa!! Enjoy Raleigh~~~ It is 1 hour north of me....Do go by Lazy Daisy and see Sarah and the girls...that is my LNS...Love the Tulips and Fans Quilt...Those canvases amaze me~~ Great job~~ Faye

  2. What a great finish Teresa! You sound like you have your work cut out for you the next couple of weeks. I envy you going to Colonial Williamsburg. I tried to get my family there and they hated it. Obviously, they don't have much culture. Hope you have a great time.

  3. I like your finish. Nancy's Needle has some great projects. You are just making me want to buy more stash. Enjoy your trip!! Hope you get some time to stitch.

  4. I want that one for a gift!!!

  5. If you make it as far north as Mt. Vernon, do not forget to go to In Stitches in Alexandria - it's about 3 miles away.

  6. It is wonderful work. Magic colours ... my congratulations

  7. It is beautiful! Can't wait to see it in person.


  8. I love your finish! Did you use the threads called for? If not could you share what you used for colors. This one is great!

    Rebecca in IA
