
Friday, June 25, 2010

Finally Home!

It seems like forever since I posted to this blog! I just got home from my vacation and will share a few photos of my fun. Here is my sweet niece-Elise. For some reason I never got a picture of the graduating nephew?? We attended the graduation and my niece went with me to visit 3 stitching shops in Raleigh-Lazy Daisy, French Knot and Needlepoint LLC. I was able to help out the economy in all 3 shops. :)

From Raleigh it was on to Colonial Willliamsburg. It was so hot that day-94 degrees and similar humidity. For a girl from the mild Pacific NW that is misery! I visited here in 1968-boy, what a difference! There are shops at the end of the main street, restaurants galore. I did appreciate the tavern we ate in-it was cool in the candlelit basement where we sat. :) Here is the fife and drums corp.

Doesn't it seem funny that 3 of the fife players are girls?? We saw a small theatre production circa 1750. And a courthouse hearing with 3 cases being heard-that was fun.

Here is Mount Vernon-George Washington's home. The last time I visited here was also 1968-no visitor center, no educational center, no restaurants, no wharf or boat tours on the Potomac. Nothing stays the same, huh? The line for the home tour was no longer than 30 minutes at anytime. Not terribly crowded on a Wednesday. It was a lovely place. And what an honorable man was George-both personally and in his military/political career.

This is Monticello-Thomas Jefferson's home. This is the first time I have ever seen this one. He was truly an ingenious man for the times he lived in. He designed a W shaped roof over the wings of his home that took rainwater into covered gutters and down into cisterns- 4 of them that held 3200 gallons of water each-pretty amazing. Not one to admire for some decisions in his personal life, but his contributions to our country were remarkable.

Tune in tomorrow for stitchy updates!


  1. What a fun trip. I did this as a kid as well. It would be fun to see it all again at a older age. I am not sure I appreciated all the history when I was my parents summer hostage.

  2. What a fun trip! I've always wanted to do a colonial heritage vacation.
