
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Finally Another Post!

Small Token
Blackbird Designs
Crescent Colors and DMC floss
32 ct Belfast Linen-Country Cream (?)
Yes, I have really been stitching-all kinds of stitching! Here is the latest cross stitch finish-I have seen this one on many blogs and just loved it everytime. I did substitute some GAST Blue Dungarees for the bird. I didn't have the correct Crescent Colors in my stash and didn't care for the DMC conversion colors. Also, pink is my favorite color-so any design with pink works!

I am busy with Christmas stitching already. I like to make an ornament for each of my 3 daughters. Plus one for my guild ornament exchange. Plus one for my first organized exchange thru JAT. Plus 2 personal exchanges I am doing. Plus, I would like to do a couple for myself. That makes 9 ornaments so far. Once I get these done I will get back to my larger projects.

Here is some more stitching I have been doing. It is my second attempt at a scarf. DH and grandson are already admiring it and saying they like it better than my first one. :) I got the yarn on sale at JoAnn's.

Now here is my first attempt at magic loop knitting. It is a hat-well, right now, it is the beginning of a hat! I have stopped after my first loop to take it to the yarn shop and make sure I am on the right track before going further. And I have already signed up for my first sock class! I will keep you posted!


  1. I just love Small Tokens- beautiful blue in the bird!

  2. Small Tokens looks great!
    The new knitting projects look good. I love the colours in the scarf.

  3. Small tokens came out great1 Your color choses are really nice.

  4. Congrats on the cute finish! And great knitting too.

  5. Very funny that your boys like the improvement in your knitting. It sounds to me that you are going to have a very busy run up to Christmas.
