
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Crazy January Challenge 2011

It's Official! I am participating in the Crazy January Challenge 2011!

At first I thought 15 New Projects??!!

Then I started counting what I finished this year-(41 so far, but yes that includes all these smalls-ornaments, pin cushions, etc :)

So I started pulling out kits that I really want to start...

and charts that I already had kitted up...

and charts I really want to get to soon...

and a few needlepoint projects...

and a gift for the grandson...

and, well you see where I am going.

I had 22 projects pulled out!

How will I ever cut that down to ONLY 15???!!!

Here is DD#1's cross stitch snowman all finished as a flat-fold. It turned out so cute and this was her first time trying this finish. All her co-workers wanted her to give it to them. :) Thank you, Vonna, for your wonderful tutorial!


  1. I love the flatfold and I love snowmen. Your daughter did an excellent job.

  2. I love the flatfold!!! It is done beautifully!!

    Now, about that 15 project challenge...I need to know where to sign up as I am BOPING that 2011 will be my year to "stitch out of my stash"... Let me know..... Thanks and take care, Faye

  3. love the ornament.....I thought about signing up for the 15 projects, but I don't know...i think I will decide by tomorrow...I certainly hve enough in my basket to choose from.
    Happy Thanksgiving

  4. I'm still thinking about it. I would join in a second but DH would probably scalp me. He thinks you should finish one project at a time, men they do not understand. One if I could sneak it in. I love your DD flatfold turned out beautiful.

  5. Love the flatfold! Tell your daughter it looks great.

  6. I have been tossing around doing the 2011 January Challange. I guess I need to make up my mind and get things in order.ha! I also love the darling snowman flat fold. Your DD did a great job.

  7. Where can I find out about the 2011 challenge. I would like to participate.

  8. I also joined the Crazy January Challenge! There is a link on my blog. Now I have to decide which 15 kits or ornaments to start stitching! I'm a new follower to your blog too.


  9. Does having about 15 half finished projects already count ;D
    Love that snowman flatfold!

  10. Excellent finishing by your daughter, congrats!

  11. Great finish! You are a brave lady taking on so many projects but it sounds like you are up to the challenge.

  12. where do I learn about/sign up for this challenge?!?!?!? I KNOW I can do it!!!!
