
Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Ornaments Part 6

Thanks so much to all of my wonderful followers for their kind and gracious comments. I love to share with all of you!

Today is my final installment of Christmas stockings for 2010. Two Pat Mazu stockings-the one on the left was our Evergreen EGA guild Christmas in July stocking for 2010. The one on the right is the 2009 Christmas in July stocking for our guild. I stitched 3 of them last year for my daughters and never stitched one for myself :) Well, I caught up this year.

Have a great weekend-I'll be getting our tree and decorations up. Oh, and stitching, too, I'm sure.


  1. Beautiful stockings!
    Good for you in getting your tree up this weekend. I still haven't found my "mojo" as Catherine put it. I got a few little Christmasy things out but just don't have it in me to go deco-crazy this year.
    Please post pictures so I can live vicariously through you!

  2. Those stockings are wonderful. I haven't gotten my tree up yet - I can't seem to get into the spirit this year for some reason.

  3. Such beautiful little stockings. Just as beautiful as the other ornaments you show in your last posts.
    BTW, I love your list for the Crazy Challenge. And we even one project in common, the hornbook by With My Needle. It made it on my list as well. I think we'll have a lot of fun with this challenge.

  4. Love the stockings. Enjoy your decorating!

  5. Very pretty! Our tree is going up today too

  6. Such a cute stockings! Great work!

    Best wishes,

  7. oh I love the stockings they are great.
