
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Siobhan & the Mary Glover SAL

Mary Glover
32 ct Lakeside Linen Sand Dune
Called for DMC threads
It really is stitched straight, but the fabric is pulled slightly crooked in the stretcher bars.

I'm going to blame this all on Siobhan! She posted about this SAL on her blog-click here.

And I have no willpower! This is how I was thinking-

"Well, do I have some extra fabric? (yes)

Well, do I have the DMC threads? (yes)

Well, what about stretcher bars or the right size hoop? (yes)

Well, do I have the time? (don't think about all the January challenges that aren't finished)

Well, what about the other Jardin Prive SAL I am also starting? (no problem-I'll do both)

Well, what about the other sampler Siobhan was blogging about-Mary Hannah Gipson? (yes, I'll do that one too-Lord, help me!)

See! It is all her fault :)

I love your work, Siobhan! Can you tell??


  1. LOL LOL too...Siobhan has been a long time friend and enabler of mine! I started Mary Glover too, think she is so pretty! But you have gotten so much more done then I! YGG!!

  2. Sometimes viewing the works of others gets the best of us and we have to follow our hearts in those decisions to start a new project! Nice new WIP!!!

  3. ROFLOL!! Resistance is futile, isn't it?! Great start on yours! It's such a pretty sampler. I love that Jardin Prive sampler, too!

  4. Thats a lovely sampler, I'm not surprised you couldn't resist it

  5. What pretty colors - so springlike and happy!

  6. Hard to resist such a lovely design - great start!

  7. We all need a little enabling sometimes. That is why I breeze through the blogs so quickly, so that I don't need to blame anyone.

  8. Too funny Teresa! Siobhan can be an enabler whether she is trying to be or not because her work is so beautiful! Good luck on your new projects!

  9. Always blame someone else is my motto! LOL - Great start on a lovely piece!

  10. What a lovely start! I am going to check out the SAL now. I love the colors.

  11. Ahh man! that's what I mean about's a never ending thing on these blogs, but I must agree with your choices. I think you captured the sentiment of all of us and did the enabling thing perfectly :)Now I gotta' go look.
