
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blackbird Designs Tulip House Stitching Companion Box

If you love Blackbird Designs like I do, and you bought their recent book-A Stitcher's Journey, check out page 25-Tulip House Stitching Companion. It is a box top and a pincushion set that are finished as part of a blue box.

Now the instructions call for a box from Hobby Lobby and there are no Hobby Lobby's close to me. But I saw this great little box on Myra's blog that she made! No, I wasn't the winner of her giveaway (darn :) But, Myra was sweet enough to make up an extra box and I purchased this from her. Didn't it turn out wonderful? And she was kind enough to include a little piece of fabric that I will use for backing fabric on the pincushion!! Thank you, Myra! I am in love with this! Tulip House has moved way up on my to-do list :)


  1. Nice! She could make a business out of this! Love your Mary Hannah Gipson finish as well!

  2. I love these boxes too but sadly no Hobby Lobby's in Canada (yet) but maybe one day :) I will have to go and visit her blog to see how much they are instead.

  3. Very nice... it's going to be beautiful.

  4. So glad you got one...I was lucky to be the winner of one of these boxes and I just love it!

  5. I am glad you are pleased with it Teresa. Can't wait to see yours all finished. :o)

  6. What a cute box. I'm glad you are happy with it!! And it was nice of Myra to make you one up!!

  7. Oooh! Like that box! I also really realy love your recent finishes. My, you have been busy!

  8. I love that box, but I didn't get that book. I think that I'm going to have to. It looks like it's going to be a wonderful project.

  9. Lovely box - great work by Myra!

  10. Wow, lucky you! It will be even more special to you when it's done, knowing Myra's part in your finish!
