
Monday, June 6, 2011

I'm the Winner!

Orna Willis rocks!

She is hosting a giveaway for the supplies to each part of her series "My Family"
And I won the supplies to the first installment entitled "My Grandparents".
The instructions are free on the sidebar of her blog called Adorn-click here.  The second installment giveaway is going on now-don't miss it!

But, I need help!  For some reason I can not access the instructions for My Grandparents without logging in to Facebook or Scribd.  I don't belong to either and don't want to sign up.  There is an edit on the original post that says something about opening a window in Google-I have no clue how to do that.  Help!!  The second installment downloaded easily in Google docs.

EDIT:  I have it now-thanks for your help!


  1. I'm sorry I can't help you with your problem. I understand though. I don't wanna join either of those sites either! Grats on winning the giveaway though. I hope you get it figured out!

  2. Sorry I can't help with your login problem but that is a wonderful prize!

  3. Teresa, email me. I have facebook and downloaded it. Cathryn (blueladie at hotmail dot com)

  4. Congr on wining. It is such fun.
    I know as I have won 4 give a ways in the month of May. I have never been so lucky.

  5. Congrats on your winnings. Can't help.

  6. Hi Teresa,
    I've tried emailing the file to you, (shhhh, don't tell cause I can't email it to everyone, I'd be doing nothing else...). Anyway it came back to me as undelivered. I'm going to put it up in google docs in a bit so go there in the evening and it will be available for download.
