
Saturday, July 30, 2011

RAK, Finish-Finish, and Today's Basket

This RAK was mailed today!  It could be on it's way to you!   I'll update when I hear from the recipient that it has arrived. :)  It is an old Prairie Schooler freebie.

The Easter ornie is finally ready to hang.  Please excuse the crappy photos, but I know you will get the idea.  My DH has been helping me and we are actually making progress at some finish-finishing this weekend.  More photos to come!


Bountiful Baskets #2.  One pineapple, 1 eggplant, 2 heads broccoli, 1 bunch of kale, 2 mangoes, 7 mini lettuce bunches, 5 bananas, 1 English cucumber, 8 oranges, 5 Fuji apples, and 7 peaches.

Yep, all for $15 plus the $1.50 handling charge.  Check here to see if you have Bountiful Baskets in your area.


CalamityJr said...

Ooh, that's lovely, with such a colorful bird.. Someone's going to be very happy when she opens her mail!

Siobhán said...

Sweet finishes! Your fruit basket looks SO good.

gracie said...

Lucky stitcher to get you RAK....

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh wow! I love your fob and your sweet Easter ornament :)
Bountiful Baskets...looks good enough to eat ;o) HA HA HA...

Parsley said...

How sweet of you to make a goody for a friend. and WOW on the bountiful basket. YUM

Faye said...

We have a similar program in our area, Farm to Table for 18.00/mo..this week was 1 watermelon,2 cucs, 4 tomatoes,4 sweet potatoes,6yellow squash,pint of blueberries and 6 ears of white corn. We LOVE the program and it supports all the local farmers..Thanks for sharing all your wonderful photos! Faye

mdgtjulie said...

Your fruit and veggies look soooooo darned good!! Looking at the pic is making me hungry, lol. Your little finished finishes look great. I'll be watching the blogs to see who got your little RAK!!

Myra said...

That little fob is so pretty! What a wonderful thing to do for a friend. The little Easter piece is cute too. Reading about your produce made my mouth water. Have a great weekend!

Nancy said...

That fob is so cute! Can't wait to see who the lucky recipient is! Pretty Easter ornament finish! Your Bountiful Basket produce looks great!

Gabi said...

That fob is SO cute. Whoever gets it, will be lucky.
Congrats also on finishing your Easter ornament. Looks lovely too. So does your basket

Deborah said...

The fob is beautiful. Very cute ornue as well. Wish we had bountiful baskets here. They look wonderful.

Daffycat said...

Your sweet RAK is going to make someone very happy! I can't wait to see who it is!

Mmmmm, I LOVE fresh pineapple and Fuji apples are my favorite!

Tricia said...

Ooo.... that Bountiful Basket makes my mouth water! So does the cute RAK. Someone is going to really be blessed!!