
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Two Announcements

A new Grandbaby is on the way!  In early February.
Here is a baby picture of my first grandchild-he turned out awfully cute (see blog header photo).
We don't know yet if #2 will be a girl or boy and don't care-either one is fine with us.

Secondly, I have listed in my wishlist Vol 21 for Sampler and Antique Needlework Quarterly magazine.  (See tab above.) And it has been so long that I can't remember what is in the magazine that I wanted to stitch!   Can someone help me out and let me know what I saw that captured my attention?


  1. Congratulations on the new grandbaby to come in Feb.

    I will be a first time grandmother sometime in late OCT/early Nov. I will be having a grandson.

  2. Awwww, your dgs is darling. I love the new pic in the header. Too cute. And grats on the coming addition. Have said a prayer for a healthy baby for you!

  3. Babies are such a blessing, congratulations on your new grandchild!

  4. Cute new picture. Congrats on the new future addition.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  5. Congratulations on the upcoming arrival....and #1 is getting so big!

  6. What exciting news for your family, Teresa! Congratulations :)

  7. Ooooh, how exciting! Congratulations, Teresa! You're right, the first one turned out very well :o) What a sweetie he is!

    Sorry, can't help you with your SANQuestion.

  8. Congratulations on your new grandchild!

  9. Wahoo!! Congratulations on the new grandchild!

  10. Congrats on your news. I am sorry I can't help with your question. You made my day though. It is so good to hear that I am not alone forgetting what I want things for. I hope that you have a great day and someone can help you out.

  11. Volume 21 - Winter 2000 issue has the following:

    The Birds of Winter - pincushion sized birds adapted from samplers

    The Blackwork Huswife by Alison Snepp

    Quaker Medallion Sampler by Ruth Ann Russell

    The Millennium Cutwork Sampler by Sharon Cohen

    the 1835 Elizabeth Berryman Sampler

    Do you need articles too?

  12. A huge congratulations on the new grandchild! :o)

    I don't have that SANQ but it looks like Donna answer your questions.

  13. Congratulations! What a sweet baby face!

  14. I love the new header picture of your grandson - what a cutie! Exciting your are going to be a grandma again. Lorrie
