
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Two Finish-Finishes

 This is a box from an old R & R Reproductions kit.  The picture in the middle is the design that was supposed to go in this box.  I wasn't in love with it so the whole thing was sitting in a drawer.

 Voila!  I finally had a light bulb go off over my head and thought "I'll bet Temptation might fit in this."  And it did!  Doesn't it look great?  And Eve's bad hair day is not so bad... he, he

Here is another angle.
(The old kit will make its way into my next giveaway :)

And here is my recent LHN Liberty and Justice finish.  I used another box sitting in the drawer and painted it to go with this design. And I had the trim waiting in my stash.

Here is another angle on this one.
On to more stitching!
P>S> For all you folks suffering in this heat, stay safe.  (It is a gorgeous and sunny 75 degrees here today :)


  1. cute cute cute! Both boxes are great!!! and I love the new picture at the top of your blog :)

  2. You're sure to enjoy filling those beautiful box finishes! And I like the original design, so I'm looking forward to the possibility of your next giveaway, lol.

  3. What a beautiful box! The colors in Temptation look great with the box.

  4. Temptation looks fabulous in the box.

  5. Oh my! That box is perfect for Temptation and I just love Eve's hair. :o) The LHN finish is lovely as well. You have been busy.

  6. Two fabulous finished boxes, love them both

    Pretty Mystery Sampler too you finished

  7. I love boxes - they are beautiful.

  8. I love the way you finished Libery as a box. I never think about boxes.
    Send some of the 75 degress down south.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  9. perfect! Looks like that box was made for that design. You do have two great finishes...

    happy stitching...

  10. The boxes are beautiful!I never did a box but they look easy to do. Your mystery sampler looks great. Good job!

  11. Oh, that must be nice. It was up in the mid nineties here today, and it's expected to be at least ninety four tomorrow. It's two fifteen am and the temp is still seventy six. UGH, and it's muggy. I'd love to swap places with you! Love your two little finished finises. Both boxes look great.

  12. Both boxes are just gorgeous. Temptation fits just perfectly in the box.

  13. The box is beautiful and that design is perfect in it. It is so nice to have something like that to ove from stash to completed.
    The little liberty bos is sweet too.
    Have a great weekend.

  14. Temptation was a perfect fit for your box! I also like the lace trim on the other one.

  15. Both are lovely finishes but I really love the first one. That box is perfect for the A&E design!
