
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Frame and New Stash

I got a load of stash recently.   Two magazines-one has LHN He Is Risen and the other has BBD Land of the Free.  Two I am anxious to start are Tree of Life Samplings Penny America and another With Thy Needle and Thread design- Mary's Best Handework. Yes, I signed up for the new BBD Loose Feathers, too. :)

My dh finished framing  Heartstring Samplery's Permit Me Not to Stray.  The frame came from a yard sale for $2!  I am having an optical illusion because it looks crooked in the frame-but I have remeasured it again and again and it is correct. Go figure.

Another finish coming soon! 


  1. The frame is perfect! It's harder to find square frames. Your stitching looks beautiful!

  2. Love the frame and the new stash is grand!

  3. Love your framed piece and the price of the frame can't be beat and it's perfect.

    Love all your stash too!!

  4. Perfect framing! Love it. And great stash too!

  5. Love the stash and nice framing job.

  6. Great stash and love the framing. You can't beat that price!

  7. Framed piece looks wonderful.
    Love all the new stash. Can't really tell but the one just to the right of the mag. looks like it has a cute scissor fob with it.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  8. Love the new finish! Great stash.

  9. Wonderful stash, love the framed piece looks square to me and looks great in the frame beautiful stitching.

  10. Great new stash. LOVE your framed piece.

  11. It looks fabulous, great new stash too

  12. Your DH did a wonderful job on the framing. The frame is perfect for this piece. Love all the stash too.

  13. What a great bunch of stash you got Teresa! I just found the BBD Land of the Free in a magazine at the library--I was so excited!

    Lovely framing on your A & E piece, too, and what a great price--guess I should start hitting some yard sales around here :)

  14. Wow, you found the perfect frame, and you did such a good job!! Grats to you, and on the new stash too!!

  15. Very nice finish, and your new stash is fantastic!


  16. Lovely framing -- even with the opitcal allusion.. which I cannot see lol

    Lovely stash.

    no need to wish you "happy stitching" because I can tell you're definitely going to have some.
