
Monday, January 9, 2012

First 2012 Finish

Birds of a Feather
Le Printemps
36 ct Edinburgh Linen Cream color
Called for WDW threads
Stitch count 295 X 384

I was hoping to have this finished before the New Year.  Obviously I greatly underestimated just how much stitching needed to be done!  Feel free to click on the picture. Instead of feeling motivated to start one of the 3 sisters to this one,  I am ready to move on to something new.  

Last Summer Yard Sale Find!
Yes, those ducks are cross stitched!  My plan was to use the frame for Le Printemps. But I am having second thoughts now.  Do you think the frame is too old-fashioned? I would love to hear your thoughts.

As I was starting Plum Street Samplers Paradise Lost (as part of Becky's 2012 BAP Challenge) disaster struck.  I stitched out to one end of the design and found out there was only a scant inch of fabric left! What????
So I double-checked the midpoint (where I started) was in the correct spot.  Yes.
So I re-measured the fabric and found it to be an inch short AND the measurement included the selvage end :(( 

Upon consulting with my LNS it was pointed out to me that overdyed fabric is cut and then dyed resulting in some shrinkage to the fabric.   Most of the time it doesn't matter, but on this design I needed every inch!  So I had to start over with a new piece and I bought enough to stitch PSS The Flood in matching fabric.  The Flood is even bigger than Paradise Lost!  That project will have to wait until 2013 or so  :) 
Paradise Lost is begun (again).


  1. Lovely finish! Sorry you had to start Paradise Lost over, can't wait to see your progress! Love that design!

  2. ooo that happened to me with pss a sweeter love! i had to rip it all out and start over, my own fault though!

    paradise lost is so pretty, its definitely on my wish list. cant wait to see your progress.

  3. UGH on the fabric shortage. You know, I think that it's happened to all of us at one time or another.

    And love your finish. I've had that one in the stash pile for quite sometime. Perhaps I need to pull it out and start on it (even though I told myself no new starts - sigh).

  4. Congratulations on a beautiful first 2012 finish. I hope that the fabric situation on the other piece works out.

  5. Love your finish... it's beautiful. So sorry your linen piece was too small for PL. The design is well worth starting over again.

  6. Love your Les Printemps finish! She is beautiful. I think that frame may work well for it, that piece has a lot happening in it, so a simpler frame would look nice. Hope your second PL going along without a hitch, I look forward to seeing your progress. Happy Stitching!

  7. Your finish is beautiful (such an unusual design!), and I'm sure that this frame is perfect!


  8. Kudos on your finish! So sorry you had to restart Paradise Lost... good thing you realized it before you got too far!!!

    happy stitching...

  9. Congrats on your finish! I do think it needs a different frame, something fun and bright, airy. If you don't mind going something custom you can get some great colours in metal frames I got a great fucia one once that matched a piece perfectly.

    Funny how for many of us our new years projects just aren't cooperating!!!

  10. Congratulations on a great finish. I do think that frame may be a little too dark for it, but maybe you could sand it back or paint it?
    How infuriating to run out of fabric on the PSS sampler

  11. Congrats on a lovely first finish for 2012. Urrrgghhh for the fabric shortage! Hate when that happens! And I absolutely love your ducks - great find!

  12. Congrats on your beautiful finish. What a bugger that you have to restart Paradise lost. :(

  13. Congrats on finishing Printemps, it's very pretty! Yikes on the fabric shortage, and kudos to you for restarting straightaway.

  14. What a gorgeous finish, Teresa!! So lucky you discovered the fabric shortage now rather than after you had put in even more stitches! I'll enjoy watching Paradise Lost grow :)

  15. I love your finish of Le Printemps! I have L'Hiver started, so I know how big those suckers are.

    I'm so sorry about your fabric woes with Paradise Lost. I hope it wasn't too much work you'd put in.

  16. Ahhhhh! Le P is stunning! Beautiful finish!

    Sorry to hear about your PL fabric problem. Yikes. :P I hope you didn't lose too much stitching time. I am anxious to stitch The Flood, too. Paulette does such great designs!

  17. Congratulations on your finish! So pretty! I'm glad you started over on Paradise. I think running short on fabric has probably happened to most everyone at some point. :)
