
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Timeless Tomato-Back From the Finisher!

Timeless Tomato
Debbie Stiehler
Finished by Kathy Klinko
(Photos from my new Samsung Galaxy Note cell phone-What an improvement!)

Love, love, love how this turned out!!  If you click on the picture and look at the top of the tomato close to the stem, you can just see my initials that I managed to sneak into the piece. I am taking this for show and tell to my class this weekend. :)

Betsy Morgan Etui
Inspirations Magazine
32 ct natural linen
Gloriana silk threads

My threads have finally arrived and I am anxious to get started on this one. It is NOT in my list for 2012. Oh well, what's new? Aren't the colors of threads rich?  I'm going to take this with me and ask Betsy to autograph it!

Last but not least, a little stash enhancement has been going on.  My pincushion phase is still not over. The newest Prim Sisters piece is adorable and calling my name.    Paradise Lost is moving along nicely--another update to come soon.

I will have much more to share next week when I get back from Spokane.   My trusty phone is now also my trusty camera.  One charger is all I need to remember now.

Have a great weekend!


  1. That is one gorgeous tomatoe! Wow! And you're right, those threads are lovey! Can't wait to see them all stitched :) Great new stash too

  2. The Tomato is amazing! So wonderful.
    I love all the new stash.

  3. That tomato is gorgeous! Wow! Love the new stash too. have fun in Spokane! Hope you get that Toy Chest kit!

  4. Congrats on the gorgeous tomato, it's truly spectacular!

  5. Oh WOW... the tomato is gorgeous. I love the colors of the Gloriana you'll be using in your new project.

  6. Wow, what a tomato!! Love it. :)

  7. I saw your initials on the tomato. Great touch! Congratulations on your new camera/smartphone! I was just reading about the Samsung Galaxy yesterday.

  8. I love how your tomato turned out!! It's very pretty. Love your piece that you're going to start soon. I think I'm going to have to pick up the magazine - the colors of floss are just gorgeous. Love all the new stash too.

  9. The classic tomato really turned out nicely. Grats to you (and your finisher, Kathy) on a job well done. (It took me a minute to find your intials. You hid them well, Teresa!) I love the floss colors in your new project. They are lush. Can't wait to see your next update!

  10. Wow Teresa, your tomato is really cool.

    I'm anxious to hear more about your Betsy Morgan weekend. After reading your post I had to go searching for that issue of Inspirations!

  11. Love the tomato!
    Who did the finishing? Are you willing to share names?!?

  12. What a beautiful tomato! Adorable!
    And congrats with your new stash!


  13. Pretty tomato. I can spot your initials :D Well done!

    Hehe... I feel you there. See how many new projects have sneaked their way into my WiP this year :P

    Lovely new stash you've got. So any of them making the list too? ^.^

