
Friday, June 15, 2012

What to Stitch Now??

I need to make some decisions about the rest of 2012 stitching.  I still have 8 more projects to finish for the 2012 Crazy January Challenge-see my sidebar--->

And guess what came in the mail last week when I was at the retreat?  See below-

Three gorgeous kits from Merry Cox that need pre-stitching for the November classes. A lot of over one stitching in these babies!

And I have the rest of the Helix Etui from Betsy Morgan stretched, tacked and ready to start stitching-really anxious to get going on this one!

Are you familiar with Theresa Baird over at Heart's Ease Examplar Workes?  I just discovered her and ordered her beautiful Regal Bee design.  She is a delight and her work is so beautiful! And I even got a Quaker box off of ebay specifically for this finish-I really want to start this one!

And what is going on with SAL's this year?  They are popping up everywhere!!  Here is the latest one that I couldn't say no to--SAL Sopresa 2 from Les Trois Brodeuses.  It is a little difficult to read as most of the postings are in Italian and French.  There is a small cost (I think 10 euros).  And Sara accepts Paypal.  My first email came within 1 or 2 hours from my payment and it did have English in it.  There are some photos of the finished Part 1 on Sara's blog.  Good news-no showing of finished stitching before getting the next part :)

And what about the 2012 SAL on Les Grilles de Maryse? This one is adorable! I just sent off an email today to see if I can still join. Don't know yet if it is closed.  I think this one has a small fee too.

Whew!  Too many great projects to choose from!!  Did  I forget to mention the 6 smalls that I started on retreat? And Holiday Patches? And Betsy's Morgans other set of smalls? And...... well, you get the idea.


  1. Merry cox has lots of over one, but it's easy over one. You are so lucky to be taking those classes. Can't wait to see the stitching on all of your new things!

  2. Teresa you joined the SAL Sorpresa 2 too! so happy we're both doing this! :D
    I'm going MAD waiting for my threads and linen to arrive!!

    now, it's all your fault I just wrote Maryse if entries are still opened for her 2012 SAL.. or it's hers, for she designed such a lovely project, I don't know..!! :D
    with this the number of SALs I'm working on reaches the gazillion, but it's fine.. you're packed with things to stitch too, and we will make it..! WE HAVE TO! :D
    happy xxx

  3. There's just too much gorgeousness around to fit in the time we have, isn't there? I know the dilemma. Those Merry Cox projects look wonderful, and I might have to capitulate to the SAL Sorpresa 2 too.

  4. Too many decisions and all of them are fabulous projects!

  5. Oh my goodness--talk about a load of fun projects to choose from! I am off to check out the SALs now, though I stink SOOOOOO badly at SALs.

  6. Isn't nice to have tons of things to choose from? Now if I could just find some extra time.

  7. Great projects
    good luck trying to narrow that choice!

  8. That is a pretty wonderful problem to have - you have chosen some beautiful projects to work on. I'm looking forward to seeing what you choose to work on first.


  9. Wow! All those little designs/etui look like they will be a lot of fun to make! Can't wait to see you make them!!

  10. So Dear To Thy Herat and Le Nouveau Palais Royal are two projects I dream of stitching one day... keep posting about your progress and workshops ;-)
    I had not stopped by for a while and wow!!! I missed a lot. I think I will make myself some tea and come back for a long visit to all the beauties on your blog. thank you very much for sharing the photos :-)

  11. lovely new stash and what a decision you will have to make to decide on 1 for your crazy challenge, I love the Sal sopresa, it looks like it's going to be a large project :)
    hope you're having a lovely weekend x
    I still have my fingers and toes crossed for your giveaway draw LOL

  12. Thanks for the mention of Theresa Baird's designs - I have checked our her blog and her designs are gorgeous.

    Not sure how you are going to choose which design to do next - so many to choose from!

    hugs, Kaye
