
Monday, August 27, 2012

Anniversary Dinner, A Finish & Stiching Updates

It was our 33rd anniversary this weekend and we had a gift certificate given to us for Ruth's Chris Steakhouse.  That place is so nice! (And expensive too).  Here is what my chopped salad looked like. Delicious!  I forgot to take a photo of my steak and lobster tail-it got gobbled down so quickly. :)They had sprinkled little Happy Anniversary decorations on the tabletop.

DD#1 finished another flatfold for me.  She does beautiful work.

Here is the fabric on the back. Love it!  Thanks, DD#1!

Crazy January Challenge Finish #11
Sewing Chest Designs
Porcelain Pincushion Doll
25 ct linen
Called for DMC threads

It looks a little wonky because it is stretched a little unevenly.  I did move the thread colors around a little to make it a little brighter.  I also changed the eyelet stitch on one of the borders to smyrna stitch.  Now on to my "to-be finished" pile.

I am starting to feel the pressure of the pre-work for the Merry Cox classes coming up in November!  So here is the needlecase for So Dear to thy Heart.

Here is the outlining for the pocket, 2 thimble holders, and needle page holder.

Sheepish Designs Sarah Salter is coming along.  She is so fun to work on. The 32ct lambswool over 2  seems so large after working on the Merry Cox pieces. :)
Did anybody see the Goode Huswife Sarah Seifer on ebay? It went for $128.50!  Does anyone have one I can borrow?
Don't forget to take a peek at my For Sale page. Lots of good stuff is still left!


  1. First of all, congratulations on your anniversary. Quite an accomplishment.
    WOW!! Mary Cox is beautiful!!! Can't wait to see it all finished. =)

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary and wishing you both many more happy years together.
    All your stitches are beautiful.

  3. Happy belated anniversary! That salad looks so good! Love all of your stitching. I'm very envious of your Merry Cox class. I want to stitch Sarah Salter too! Beautiful! As for Sarah Seifer -- I will email you. :D

  4. Congratulations on your 33rd year together.
    Sounds (and looks) like you had a delicious meal. I wouldn't have remembered to take a pic of the main course either!

  5. happy anniversary. looks good the salad. your daughter did a great job.

  6. Happy anniversary :)
    The flatfold is gorgeous. Your daughter did a great job.
    Love also all your stitching especially the Merry Cox piece.

  7. Do you know we have Ruth Chris in Taiwan as well? Their steak is the best isn't it? All your stitching is looking lovely.

  8. Happy 33rd Anniversary, Teresa! Wishing you both many more happy years together :)

    I just love your flatfold that your daughter finished for you--her work is as pretty as your stitching!! Sure hope you can find the chart you are looking for!

  9. Happy Anniversary to you and your DH! Ruth Chris is a fantastic place to celebrate. I just love your finishes. The flatfold your daughter finished for you is the backing fabric.

  10. I didn't see that chart price go but have seen some others that are just crazy. Come on, who in there right mind can aford that for a chart. Well, not me. I will look but I don't think I have that one.

  11. Happy Anniversary!!
    Your daughter did a lovely job on your finish!
    Hope you find the chart.
