
Monday, August 6, 2012

Olympic Stitching Part 3

I spent most of the weekend out of town with DH.  And most of that time I was in the car.  So I needed some stitching that I could see without my magnifier.  We were firmly in front of the TV when the Olympics prime time show started. Here is what I worked on--

Kissing Pillows

For those of you who are unfamiliar with kissing pillows, they are a project of EGA for deploying soldiers.  These little designs will be sewn and stuffed into pillows and distributed to soldiers at Joint Base Lewis/McChord.  My EGA chapter has already given out 20,000+.  They are a big hit with soldiers and their kids!

DD#1 stitched 2 of these.  And my 84 yr old MIL stitched the "I Love You" portion on the other 8 (after I taught her how to cross stitch-that is another whole story).  You CAN teach old dogs new tricks!!

Crowning the Tree
Blackbird Designs
Misc mystery linen piece
Called for CC and GAST threads

Love this design! I did substitute one thread-CC Calico Kitty was too orange for my taste, so I used Victorian Motto Sampler red F3

Pincushion Doll
Sewing Chest Designs
25 ct linen
DMC threads

I got quite a bit accomplished on this one over the weekend.  Now it will get tucked away until I am needing another project that I can see without a magnifier.  Hopefully one more good workday will see this one finished.

Welcome to all my new followers!  I love to read your comments. 
Have a great week!
P>S> Yesterday we finally had a day this summer over 90 degrees.  Today is back to normal-overcast AM-clear PM-temps in 70's. :)


  1. You certainly accomplished much! You taught your 84 year old MIL to cross stitch! Good for you.

  2. The pincushion doll is adorable! How nice that you substituted some VMSS floss.

  3. beautiful stitching and i love the pin keep doll so much..
    hugs xx

  4. Great stitching! That's so sweet about the pillows!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The Kissing Pillows are wonderful and I love your sweet BBD stocking.

  7. Beautiful stitching!!! Congrats on finishing the gorgeous Pincushion Doll

  8. fun projects! I love that you taught your MIL to stitch :)
    I can send you some more 90 degree days :)
    Have a great week!

  9. Lovely Projects! YOU want more hot weather? Come on over here to the Tri-Cities, wa. We hit a record 105 yeaterday. ;-)
