
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Life Happens

Not a lot of stitching got done this week.
Last week I was slicing raw carrots on my new mandolin to put them in the dehydrator  **Good news- there was many, many carrots from the garden this year** 
With only about 1/2 of the carrots done, yes, I sliced two of my fingers!  It isn't a cut like with a knife where there are 2 edges to draw together and put in a stitch.  It is like being skinned!  Therefore, no pictures of the injuries!  The cuts are getting better, slowly but surely.  But it is difficult to stitch or type because the cuts are on the tips of my fingers.  Luckily my beginner's quilting class is on a 2 week break.
Here is the little I have worked on-

Sweet Blossoms-class pre-work
Merry Cox
Fabric and threads from kit
The pre-work is finished and I wanted you to see what I decided to do for the flowers.  They are a combination of the called-for buttonhole flowers (for the larger ones) and small dusty pink buttons (for the smaller ones). 
I am pleased with the results.  AND pleased that I am ready for all three classes in Nov!

Alpha Designs Series
Sheepish Designs
I decide to work towards the bottom then go back and work to the top of the fabric.  I did make one thread change-orange 722 to orange 921.  It looks so much better!
Hopefully my fingers will be feeling better by this weekend and I'll be able to finish the final 13 squares of my first "real" quilt :)
Have a great week!


  1. Hey be careful there!And get well soon!AriadnefromGreece!

  2. Been there. Done that. Sorry to hear you did it, too. Those darn mandolines work great, but we have to not get careless with them.

  3. Ouch! Whenever I injure my fingers I always worry about how it will impact my stitching! Hope that you are well healed soon.

  4. Oh my gosh Teresa! I literally feel sick. ooOoo! And so close to dinnertime. Take care and heal soon.♥

  5. I'm weak in the knees just imagining your accident, Teresa. How horrible!! I do hope your fingers heal very soon...

  6. So sorry about your fingers, and I hope they will heal really quickly. The class piece is gorgeous - great solution for the flowers. And great start on the Alpha sampler, so pretty.

  7. Both pieces are great but I especially like the Sheepish Designs. Love the colors and how 'busy' it is. Hope the fingers heal quickly, ye-ouch!

  8. Yikes! I'm so sorry for your finger injuries! Thank you for not posting a photo. Heal up quick and get back to stitching your beautiful designs!

  9. Ouch, what a bummer about your fingers! I hate cutting myself! I love your Merry Cox pre-stitching! Good for you for getting all the pre-stitching done! Love the Alpha piece too. I want to stitch that someday as well! All 3 together!

  10. Oh my! OUCH! Hope you heal soon, and can get back to life! Hugs!

  11. Oh, Teresa I'm so sorry to hear of your accident. Let's hope you are back to stitching very soon.

  12. You have some really nice starts. Your poor fingers!!! Hope they are all better soon!

  13. Lovely stitching. Hope your fingers are better soon.

  14. I hope that your fingers are better soon!
    Lovely stitching!

  15. oh dear, i hope you feel better soon..
    both stitching pieces are so lovely..
    hugs xx

  16. Love your work on the Merry Cox design, the flowers look so intricate! Can't wait to see the finished project.
    Love the Alpha series start, that one is in my pile too! Your start makes me want to start mine too!

  17. OMG Teresa! I've done that. Next day I got rid of the mandolin and bought a Cuisinart. I hope you heal up fast.

  18. two very pretty designs - ouch! hope your fingers heal soon!

  19. Wonderful processes!
    Take care of your fingers!


  20. Lovely choice on the Merry Cox, looks so pretty!So nice for you to have these classes to look forward too:)
    Hope you can post some about your adventures later on.

    The Alpha Design is beautiful, that design is new to me, love the little critters.

    Wish you best of recovery on your fingers! How terrible with the mandolin, they are great but dangerous indeed.
    Take care

  21. Oh my, oh my, it really doesn't good what happened to your fingers. I hope it doesn't hurt too much and that you will be able to use these fingers fully very soon.
    I'm so looking forward to seeing what you will be doing with these pre-stitched pieces. And wow, a great start on the Sheepish Alpha series. Looks so great!

  22. Ouch! Hope your finger is all healed up!
