
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Crazy January Challenge 2011 Day #5

Blackbird Designs Hedgerow Birds
Week Dye Works 20 ct Straw
Called-for GAST & CC threads

Here is my new start for day #5 of the January Challenge. This photo of the fabric is pretty true to the actual color. It is the called-for fabric in the pattern, but look how gold it is compared to the fabric in the picture on the cover. I like this color-it is just different from what I expected. OK-I'll keep an open mind :)


  1. What a great start. I really love the Blackbird Designs and will have to add some to my wish list

  2. What a great line-up you have so far!!

  3. And another great start. Do you know that I could take over your list without hesitation? Good that I have already posted mine on my blog, if not I'd certainly think about chnages, lol.

  4. Would you believe I took this one out to put on my 'to-stitch' pile yesterday! Starting today :o)
    I really love all of the projects you have going, Teresa!

  5. Looking good so far, the fabric colour is lovely and warm

  6. Another beautiful start. I like the ones you have started so far...

  7. very pretty!!! I love it thus far....I have a lot of BBD...need to get back to them too! Oh, for more time to stitch!!!

  8. Another nice start, with a lot of progress actually! How long did this take you? I am sure if I were doing this challenge you would only see a scattering of stitches on the first day.

    I hate when I go with the recommended fabric (which I nearly always do) and it ends up not looking like I thought it would. I usually fall in love by the end though because the stitching overtakes the fabric, as it should.

  9. This is so pretty...what a great start!

  10. Love this design. I've never stitched on WDW linen, do you like it?

  11. I just love all of your starts! We totally have the same taste in designs and designers. :) I will enjoy seeing your progress on all these pretties!
