
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Crazy January Challenge 2011 Day #6

Sheepish Designs Temptation
36 ct Lakeside Linens Maple Sugar
Called for DMC threads

This is going to be an interesting project. There are several embroidery stitches incorporated, not just cross stitch. The first embroidery stitch was on the tree trunk. It is called a raised chain stitch and is a new stitch to me. Adam & Eve's hair is a threaded back stitch. Their "leaves" are woven and stand off the fabric. The apples are a Spider Web stitch. I like the look of it so far!


  1. WOW, lots of new stitches will be watching this grow.

  2. Sounds like fun with all the different stitches

  3. What a lot of lovely starts! This design in particular looks like great fun.

  4. Oh great, a Sheepish Design project. Looks great. I also have one on my list and will start stitching it today or tomorrow.

  5. This looks cute! I can't wait to see how the 'leaves' turn out.

  6. You should get button leaves and put a couple over Eve's chest! :)

  7. Wow that is really neat, Teresa! Make me what to hop over th e-bay and start the search.. ;-)
    I found you on the PS ABC board, by the way. Your WIP there looks gorgeous - true inspiration!

  8. This will look really cute! Love all the embroidery stitches!
