
Friday, January 7, 2011

Crazy January Challenge 2011 Day #7

With My Needle & Thread
Give Thanks
28 ct linen
Called-for WDW threads
Here is the start for Day #7.

Just a small start because guess what I discovered?
Do you see on the bottom of the pattern that it says over 1 thread? I was anxious to get started this morning and stitched the whole pumpkin (and 2 letters) over 2 theads. Then, I thought maybe I cut the fabric too small? No, it is cut exactly to what the designer calls for. Oh, over 1 thread! So, I have already ripped out the two letters and when I pick this up again it will be for a frogging session.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Ick, how frustrating!! I would have a hard time picking it up again at all...! Good luck with the frogging...

  2. That is a sad story. This is a pretty big project to do over one. I don't mind over one but it makes some people nutty. Are you ok with over one. It is a really cute project.

  3. I'm so sorry. That IS frustrating. Hang in there. It will be beautiful.

  4. oops! But once you stitch it, you know it will be very nice....

  5. The frogs seem to be mking the rounds. I had to frog a large section of my day 1 project too. Good luck with the over 1. It would make me crazy!

  6. Oh bother, that is so frustrating!! But good thing you caught it early on. I love all of your new starts for the challenge, will be so much fun visiting and seeing your progresses!

    Hope that your new year is blessed with lots of wonderful stitching time.

  7. Oh my, that's bad having to frog right from the start. But once you restitch it you will forget about the frogging session. It's a great design.

  8. How frustrating! Still at least you noticed quite quickly

  9. Oh my! I'm happy you noticed that quite quickly.

  10. Augh! I hate getting off to the wrong start on a project. Still, lucky that you found the mistake now rather than later.

    I see you decided to start Temptation--love that! It's in my 'still not decided if it'll make the 15' pile. I could happily go on for about 45 days in 2011 with new projects but have to keep reminding myself that I *can* start new things once I finish things.
