
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Crazy January Challenge 2011 Day #8

Raise the Roof Designs
Happy Camper
32 ct navy permin linen
Called for DMC threads

Here is my start for Day #8.

I'm having company tonight and making homemade bread. Keep your fingers crossed as the tops caved in on the last couple of batches I made!

There is good progress on City Stitcher Adam & Eve Sampler. I will post a progress update at the end of this challenge.


  1. what a great chart - I can't wait to see more of your progress as you work on it.

  2. I've seen this design stitched at a LNS and it is a cutie! All of your challenge starts are great! I'm going to enjoy watching your progress over the year.

  3. Yummm Teresa, I am pretty sure I smell that bread baking! What a cute design this is!

  4. I'm sure the bread was delicious!! Now go stitch... LOL!!

  5. Happy new year ;-) I am in awe with all your 2009 finishes!! What an accomplishment. I'll come back to see your update on Adam and Eve sampler.

  6. What a fun design! Another great start. Hope the bread worked out

  7. Wow, you are coming right along with your challenge starts! I haven't even started on it yet thanks to this cold! I can't wait to see what else you have planned to do for it.
