
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First January Challenge Finish!

Blackbird Designs
Summer House Pincushion
30 ct mystery linen
Crescent Colours-Secondhand Rose and Shamrock

Doesn't Shamrock sound like it should be green? But this color was definitely blue, dusty blue similar to DMC 930 or 931. The fabric for the pincushion bottom is the pink ginham under the stitching. It is going to be very cute when finished. But for now, I am moving on to my next challenge project!

I have finally come up with a stitching strategy that I think might work. I have 2 projects that I am working on simultaneously. One large and one small. Each gets worked on every time I stitch. Of course, the small one will be finished sooner and will give me some quick finishes. But the larger projects should see regular progress too. Hmmm.... we'll see how that works.


  1. Lovely finish, the pink gingham goes really well with the stitched piece.

  2. Beautiful! I love this pincushion. Maybe once I get some of my WIP from last year finished I can start something out of this book. :)

  3. That's going to make a wonderful pincushion. And yes, I would have thought of Shamrock as being green, but the blue is pretty. And so is the gingham fabric that you're going to use.

  4. Its really beautiful. What a great finish

  5. I was thinking Shamrock would be green too but it sure is a pretty shade of blue. The gingham is perfect. Very pretty finish.

  6. That is very cute the colors you chose too.

    I like your strategy for stitching your challenge pieces! May have to borrow that one.

    happy stitching...

  7. Beautiful finish!! And, I think you are on to something with that stitching rotation!!! Faye

  8. I love your pincushion colors! I have that BBD book somewhere--I may be looking at doing that pattern in your colors soon! I stitch that rotation and it has worked quite well for me! I do smallish projects at work during my two 15-minute breaks and lunch if I stay there, and stitch larger projects at home. I just finished another smallish piece today! Will post a picture tomorrow! Am enjoying following your blog! I had a similar family stitching time during the Christmas holidays! My DD#1 and her 3 daughters and me stitched several evenings! Love it! I look forward to more great finishes from you! Hugs.

  9. Beautiful finish! Love the gingham.

  10. Can't wait to see it finished, but it's looking lovely already!! GReat choice of fabric!

  11. Congratulations, it's very pretty!

  12. That's pretty, I would have expected Shamrock to be green too, but whatever you call it its a lovely colour

  13. Don't you wonder who names the colors? I often do...but, never the is very pretty....

  14. WOW! Congrats on your first finish!! It looks great :-)

  15. I love the colours on this! It will be so cute finished up with that Gingham too. I like your new plan, finishes and progress. What's not to like?

  16. Beautiful finish! I have been lazy this month and really need to get started on my stitching. I like your new plan. In fact I may even try it out myself!

  17. Beautiful finish! Great job. I like your plan--I might have to borrow that idea!

  18. What a beautiful piece! I'm feeling another project being added to my 2011 stitching list. Like your rotation idea. I've been trying to figure out my stitching rotation and your idea sounds pretty good - you may have agreed a trend. Lorrie

  19. I love your finish and your stitching strategy is quite smart. Hmmm... may have to try that myself. :-)

  20. You have certainly been busy - Your work looks lovely :)
