
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Grandbaby Update, More Stitching and 2012

We found out that our little grandbaby that is due to arrive in February is a girl!!  Her name (as of today) is Amber. 
 Who knows if it will still be Amber in February??  My mother planned to call me Marilyn (yes, for Marilyn Monroe) during her entire pregnancy.  But, her roommate in the hospital had just named her baby girl  Teresa.  My mom liked the name so much that I became Teresa.  (I grew up in a small town in Indiana and never did meet that girl-go figure). 

 Le Printemps by BOAF is coming along.  I did iron this and am feeling somewhat concerned that this is all the better it came out??

I am so pleased to be able to show you this small finish to Part 3 of the L'Atelier Perdu Stitch Me Club.    Part 1 is on the right side and I skipped Part 2 (which is pictured above the stitching) to go straight to Part 3 on the left side.  This is the front and back of the needlebook finished. 

I agonized over the fabric on this project, remember??  I ended up with 28 ct evenweave in platinum color.  And I have had very few problems (well, other than the usual not being able to count, etc :)  Now for Part 2 I will be starting the inside of the needlebook.

Here is the latest progress picture on the Petite Sampling Etui SAL.  It has been a froggy couple of weeks. I am using the HDF silk conversion and was concerned that the light pink was too light-(see the center flower in the jar). So I pulled out the two suggested threads on the pattern and used the DMC on the right flower in the jar. It is more of a dusty rose color. I am staying with the HDF silk so that is one future frog.  Also, the dark green stems and leaves in the jar appear black.  So I used the DMC on the border and really like it better.  So that is another future frog.  Oh, and I haven't mentioned the over 1 stitching at the top :)

Nataly, if I wasn't in this SAL, I would have put this one down already.  Thanks for including me!

In other business, I have been noticing more and more things being planned for 2012.  Another similar challenge to the Crazy January Challenge-oh, my. (That reminds me that I have 2 more to complete)  More needlework retreats are popping up.  So many are on the east coast and I am tickled to see that there is one in Portland in July. Plus my EGA guild is hosting a regional seminar in Tacoma in June.  What else are you seeing for 2012 (or 2013)?


  1. Your SAL is progressing beautifully. I am stitching so slowly lately. It seems there are too many distractions. We are planning a stitching retreat for May 2012 at the Shaker Museum in Enfield NH. Should be fun if you want to head out our way.

  2. Where in Indiana did you grow up Teresa? :) Lots of small towns here...and I'm happy to still be living in one myself :)

    All of stitching is just gorgeous...utterly so!

    I've seen lots of 2012 ideas....but I'm going solo this year, seems I always make big/have big plans and then they never see the light of day or completion! LOL!

  3. Love your stitching, but one thing I'm hearing is how many have had the froggy on their shoulder lately.
    I have to agree with vonna here. I'm not going to sign up for anything major because I haven't honored the ones I signed up for this year.(shame-faced).
    beautiful stitching always,

  4. All along my mom was going to name me Patricia. When I was born she told my dad she is a Teresa. They had never talked about that name before.
    Love your stitching.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  5. My daughter was all set to be Cassandra until she was born, then when I looked at her I just knew she was an Eloise.
    Great stitching, I love the etui

  6. Lovely stitching! I really like your Printemps, it's coming along so nicely.

  7. How exciting to have a new little granddaughter to look forward to Teresa (have to say I'm a bit envious!!)... Should be interesting to see if Amber is the name they stick with.

    Lovely stitching--not sure what to say about getting the hoop marks out of Le Printemps...hope someone has some ideas for you.

    I can't sign up for any challenges, exchanges, etc. in 2012... with my always-changing work schedule and my dad's health concerns I just never know how much time I'll have to stitch. Good luck on your challenges :)

  8. All of your stitching is lovely! Congrats on the new little grand-daughter that's on the way!

  9. Congratulations on your little granddaughter, how exciting! I love your BOAF! All of your stitching looks so pretty.

  10. Awww, a baby girl! How fun. :) I was going to be Mary Pat until my dad saw a little girl receiving her First Holy Communion in a parish bulletin, and loved the name Siobhan. I love the Mary combination names (Mary Grace, Mary Margaret) but have to admit that I am glad that I didn't get Mary Pat! My kids laugh hysterically whenever they remember that story.

    Your WIPs look great! I am sure that the wrinkles in Le P will come out when it's stretched for framing. Some friends & I just had the 'omg, it's so wrinkled' discussion about linen and that seems to be the consensus & what has happened for me, too.

    Have a good weekend!
