
Monday, September 19, 2011

More Stitching!

Shepherd's Bush
Anna's Stocking
18 ct natural linen
Called for threads

 A Crazy January Challenge finish/finished! Didn't my finisher do a fantastic job?  I am very pleased and sorry that I waited 32 years of marriage to finally stitch myself a stocking!!

 IStitch Mystery Sampler
Carol Ridyard Installment #4
40ct HDF linen-jackalope
Mystery HDF silk overdye

Le Printemps
36 ct Edinburgh linen
Called for WDW overdyed threads

I bought a new iron.  Can you tell why?  :) I know it doesn't look like much is getting accomplished on this one.  But it is so huge!  Hopefully my pics will be better next time.

I am also working on my Petite Sampling Etui SAL, but no pics today.

Thanks for all you kind words and comments on my stitching.  They really keep me motivated!


  1. Great stitching! Love your stocking! Do you mind me asking who your finisher is? I have one I hope to stitch up myself. I like seeing your BOAF. Such a fun design!

  2. Wonderful stocking. When your done with it you can send it my way. You won't even have to change the name.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
    PS - Still trying hard to win us something at the guilt blog

  3. Amazing stocking finish. I have wanted to do that SB design since it came out. You inspired me to go ahead and stitch THAT stocking for myself. Mom's need stockings too! LOL


  4. Your stocking is beautiful! Who is your finisher?

  5. Love your stocking, i need to stitch one , after 44 yrs of marriage . ha.

  6. Your stocking is beautiful!
    Your SAL is growing well, I love the colour you've chosen

  7. Absolutely love them all! Printemps is spectacular, and congrats on finishing the lovely stocking.

  8. Your stocking looks great! I feel your pain, I have my husband's stocking 1/2 finished and mine is just sitting in the 'to be stitched' pile, as it's been for about 8 or 9 years now. :P

    Love your progress on the mystery sampler and Le P--well, you know I just love that! ;) You have gotten a lot done on it!

  9. You and your finisher make a great team, Teresa--your SB stocking is just gorgeous! Your little SAL and BOAF are looking great as well. What kind of iron did you end up getting and do you like it? I need to break down and get a new one as well :)

  10. Love your stocking. It's beautiful. Your wips are coming along. I can't wait to see the finishes. Happy Stitching!

  11. Love that stocking! Blessings, Shirlee

  12. *squee* your stocking is wonderful, Teresa! I love it!

  13. I love, love, love those SB stockings! It looks fabulous and I'm so excited it's for you. Everyone in my house and some outside my house have hand stitched stockings but not moi.

  14. Both WIPs are looking good. I especially like the iStitch color you're using. It's gorgeous!! And grats on getting your finish finished! It looks great!

  15. Stocking looks fantastic! And nice progress on LP. :)
