
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Stitchy Update

My DD#1 informs me again that I am neglecting my blog.  Yes, I am stitching.  But much of it are things I can't share :)  Here is what I can share- 

One project I am working on is a drawstring bag for an exchange at my June stitching retreat. I surfed the internet looking for a tutorial that I liked and this is the practice bag I made. It turned out pretty cute, I thought. But, I am sooo glad I practiced because the interfacing I used is a little too heavy and I need a lighter weight one for the exchange bag. No photos of the exchange bag until June!

My Fourth Crazy January Challenge finish!
LHN Liberty Belles
30ct R & R fabric (can't remember color)
Called for DMC and GAST threads
Hoping to make this a box or flatfold finish.

Here is my progress on my nametag for Regional EGA seminar in June.  It is not finished.  The needle has disappeared into the fabric (it is in the middle of the A) So I am looking for another thread and will have to frog this one. And there is some backstitching on the right side to finish.

A new start!  Can anyone guess what this is?   I think this is too easy of a clue!!

Last, but certainly not least, is an update on my Amy Mitten Quaker Winder's Keeper.  This is the largest piece and it is basically finished.  I need to add my initials and some backstitching.  This has been a lovely and fun stitch so far.

My new little granddaugher, Amber, is already 2 months old.  She is an angel and getting big.  Here's a sweet one of her-

I'll be back soon with another post of DD#1's stitching. 


  1. I think your new start is the Prim Sister's piece.

  2. Some great stitching there. I agree with Stitching Cat,that looks like Prim Sisters.
    Amber is just adorable!

  3. Cute drawstring bag. Congrats on another finish. Your stitching is beautiful as usual. No idea what your new start is. LOL! I'm really bad at guessing. Amber is too adorable!


  4. Lovely stitching, you're doing great!

  5. That's a cute little bag! Not as cute as your grand daughter :) She is adorable!

  6. Lovely bag and beautiful processes - it seems your Quaker keeper is nearly finished :)
    Amber is soooo sweet!


  7. Wow! All such lovely stitching and sewing! Glad you went for the Quaker Winders Keepers. And the mystery piece has to be that Prim Sisters piece. I sort of wish I'd signed up for that. Your granddaughter is adorable!!! Soooo cute!

  8. Your readers all know if you're not posting, you are making wonderful progress on stitching! I wish I could keep up with the Amy Mitten, but alas, it's not going to happen. Yours looks great!

    And your practice bag fabric reminded me of a pajama bag I had 40+ years ago! Yikes. That's a walk down memory lane.

  9. Oh, Teresa, jealous of your start on the Prim Sisters piece. I want to start mine but I'm on such a roll right now on Beauty in Simplicity I hate to put it down.

  10. Love the finish! But your granddaughter is too cute!

  11. I love the Amy Mitten! And what a little cutie is Amber! We are visiting our grandson-what a joy grandchildren are!!!

  12. Your granddaughter is absolutely adorable. Congrats on finish #4 and love the new starts.


  13. Lovely stitching! Your granddaughter is adorable!!!

  14. What a lovely bag! I wish my practice things looked as good as yours. A sweet LHN finish and your Amy Mitten piece is so pretty!
    What a sweet little granddaughter. :)

  15. Oh, little Amber is adorable--and your stitching looks quite wonderful, too, Teresa :)

  16. You have some wonderful stitching and I like your little bag!!

    Amber is just too sweet!!
