
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Stitching Day Yesterday at DD#1"s

It was a beautiful day for stitching in Seattle.  That means rainy and cloudy!!

Here are two of us at the end of the day. (I forgot to get photos of my other 2 daughters and their projects.) We are both showing our stitching projects.  Brandon asks everytime we stitch if there is something he can work on.  So today I came prepared with a beginners needlepoint kit that my DD found at JoAnn's.  He took to it like a duck to water.  And look below--

It was completely finished this morning!  The kit came with the frame, yarn, plastic needle and painted canvas. Great job, big guy!  He told me at church this morning that he is going to give it away as a present-(I think to mom) He has a giving heart and that makes me happy :)

DD#1 has been a busy stitcher. This is one of her recent finishes.  It is a picture of her husbands favorite ferry in the WA state ferry system. (He is an engineer on one of the boats).

Here is another one of her recent finishes.  A friend had a little boy just a few days after Amber was born. And this is his birth announcement.

This was a surprise for me from DD#1.  Isn't it adorable?  I think it is a Lizzie Kate design. And look below-

Another beautiful flatfold finish--thanks, Vonna, your tutorials are fantastic!

This was her new start on stitching day.  Lizzie Kate's Think Spring-very appropriate and we certainly could stand to see a little sunshine in this part of the country. 

I won't even talk about my garden as so far it is nothing but mud and swamp in the yard. 
Have a great week!


  1. Brandon did a wonderful job on his stitching project and he looks so proud of himself! Love your surprise from DD#1! She did a beautiful job!

  2. You're so lucky to be able to share your love of stitching with your daughters -- and your grandson! Good for Brandon -- he did a great job!

  3. What a cute little boy an how fun to have a family of stitchers!

  4. Brandon did a fantastic job... good for him! It must be wonderful to be able to share your love of stitching with your daughters... lucky you!

  5. Such a talented family - Brandon's finish is so cute!

  6. Stitching really runs in your family!
    Brandon's finish is wonderful

  7. Wow, what a wonderful thing to share your love of stitching. Lovely projects!

  8. It's so wonderful to be able to teach your daughters and grandson to stitch! Lovely projects, all of them :)


  9. Oh, I can just feel the pride emanating from your grandson, Teresa--how adorable!! You are so lucky to have your daughter nearby to stitch with!
