Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Off to Stitching Retreat
To add to the fun, our wonderful hostess is a Longaberger representative. She brings her "excess" inventory and has a "little" sale. There will be much to tell when I return. Have a great stitchy weekend everyone!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Prairie Schooler ABC SAL Update
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Family Stitching Day Results!
What movies did we watch? The Blind Side--if you have not seen this movie, you should! With all the trash coming out of Hollywood these days, this is a rare example of something worthwhile. For those of you familiar with Tim McGraw, the country and western singer-he is in this movie. But with no mustache and no black cowboy hat--he was nearly unrecognizable! Also we watched the Count of Monte Cristo with Jim Caviezel and Richard Harris. It is an older movie but also a good one.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Guess Who Came to Lunch? And A Finish!
Here is my eighth finish for 2010. (Many of the projects I share with you were finished in 2009). As I mentioned before, the bottom row had to be left off because I ran out of room. And I substituted GAST threads for most of the DMC.
For some reason I have a hard time keeping track of the fabric I use. I have a fabric stash basket. Each piece is packaged and labelled. But when I pick something to use, well, my brain just disengages. I need to find a better way. Any suggestions?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
2010 Finish-Bloom Where You Are Planted
I have been seeing several blogs working on or finishing up this design. So, here is mine! This was an in-the-purse project for stitching when there are unexpected "waiting" times. The stitching still went really fast!
My husband did a great job framing it for me. OK, I will admit that the frame is from..... (gasp) the dollar store! Yes, it is a faux wood (read plastic) frame. But it has a reddish tint that goes great with this design.
Jenny Bean's Halloween Sampler got started yesterday and I hope to have another finish for you tomorrow. Plus I am getting ready for a stitching/movie day with my daughters on Saturday. Looking forward to that!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Back From the Finisher!
As usual, I changed a few things from the stitch guide. I tent stitched the green wreath on the door and embroidered the flowers (using lazy daisy stitch) on top of it. The stitch guide called for a hand-made wreath using a plastic ring and detached buttonhole stitch. Well, I admit that I just couldn't wrap my head around how to do it.
It was also a first for me to use pipe cleaners for the candy canes and stitch over them with Neon Rays. The padded effect was wonderful! Pamela is certainly stretching my stitching ability on these canvases-thanks, Pamela!
More Giveaways!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Marnie Ritter Scotch Ya!
Here is my finish of Marnie Ritter's Scotch Ya design. It was one of 2009 ANG's Workshop by Mail. This is my first effort at one of Marnie's designs. But I have several more in my stash that I am looking forward to!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Laura Perin's Grandma's Flower Garden

Here is another great freebie from Laura Perin! (Scroll down to find it.) I finished this as a flat-fold and gave it to my mother. This is a lovely springtime design and quick and easy stitch. In case you are getting the idea that I like Laura Perin designs, I do! :) I also used one of her freebie designs for an ornament exchange last Christmas (more on that to come).
Have a great stitching day!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Puzzle Pieces-Scotch Stitch Variation
Here is my 2009 finish from Needlepoint Now magazine (July/Aug 2009) called Puzzle Pieces by Lois Caron. It is stitched on rose/pink 18 ct canvas using Watercolour #145 Carnival in the center and around the outside edge. I believe the rest of the threads are DMC perle #5 & Watercolours chosen to blend with Carnival. It was a fast and easy stitch and was so much fun to do!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Fabric Covered Boxes
Wait a minute-there are only four boxes here? Oh, yes, the other one is packed away in the Christmas decorations-full of ornaments. I promise to take a picture next Christmas (it's a cute one, too, covered in Christmas trees).
Believe me when I tell you that there is a learning curve. Finding the boxes was the easy part. They came all together in one package at JoAnn's. But, I couldn't find the right kind of glue, then I couldn't find the perfect fabric to line the inside of the boxes, then I learned that the large boxes are hard on the hands. (Squeezing the glue bottle hard and long really caused my hands to ache.)
Worst of all, I am still dealing with the guilt of keeping every one of them for myself. Isn't next Christmas soon enough to share the wealth? :)
Goode Huswife With My Needle
One little problem-the fabric piece I used was too short. :( The green beneath her shoes will be the lowest part of the project. There is supposed to be a line matching the top row (above the words) beneath the green. I'm trying to count my blessings because it could be much worse!
I am so thrilled by all my new followers-Welcome!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Prairie Schooler ABC Sal Update
I also finished the bottom section of O. The picture below shows the left hand side of the congress cloth to the middle of the design. The right side of the canvas can't be seen because it is rolled up and tucked under the stretcher bars. Eventually I will be able to move to the right side and you will see the rest of the canvas.
The finished product will be 3 rows of 9 letters. Does that sound like too many letters? lol Yes, between Y and Z there will be a block for AND. Here is what the entire project should look like when I am all done! Isn't it stunning?