
Monday, March 14, 2011

3 New Starts, A Quilt, & A Frame

I spent all Saturday evening in my stash pulling fabrics and threads, zig-zagging edges, ironing, attaching to stretcher bars (where appropriate) and starting new projects. Here are my results-

Jardin Prive SAL
Sampler au Bouquet
35 ct natural linen
DMC threads

This SAL doesn't officially start until March 15th, but I wanted to get a head start. I frogged the first purple border because I used only 1 thread and didn't like the coverage. Two threads seem to give it more texture. I have changed many of the called-for threads because this linen is a little dark and I wanted brighter colors. But I am not sure about this orange on the letters?? What do you think? I also pulled a raspberry color and am thinking to try a letter with it too.

Heartstring Samplery
Permit Me Not to Stray
32ct Belfast linen-Country cream
Called for GAST threads

I love this design! It is Adam & Eve but in a more whimsical way, less tradition. And I think this linen will work perfectly-it has a cream/ecru smudged look to it. Click to see a close-up.

Birds of a Feather
Le Printemps
36 ct Edinburgh linen
Called for WDW threads

This one has been kitted up long enough! I am anxous to see more of this one, but thank heavens for my magnifier! Honestly, couldn't I have picked smaller projects??

Look! I found an old frame for BBD's Spring Fling. And it looks great! Please excuse the dot from glare. One more finish-finished.

One more thing-my mother sent me this quilt she made. It just arrived today. It is a beautiful hand-pieced and hand-quilted dresden plate. The fabrics are all old ones from clothes she made for us girls (me and my 2 sisters) when we were young. So lots of 60's and 70's fabrics. Thanks so much, Mom! I am thrilled to have it!


Crystal said...

You have been busy, your new starts look fantastic would love to see the Raspberry colour you picked. The quilt your mom sent is beautiful.

Chris said...

Beautiful starts! and what a beautiful quilt.
Happy Monday!

Myra said...

Gorgeous starts Teresa. Love the quilt too and the frame you found is perfect.

Tricia said...

So pretty, Teresa! I really like your new frame. That's such a lovely finish. The colors are wonderful! The quilt is amazing as well! How sweet of your mom!

Ranae said...

I so want to start my Jardin, but I have no linen yet :(
The other designs are lovely
The quilt from your mom is beautifully stunning.
Gosh! my hubby would have a fun time laughing at a quilt from my old clothes, lol
He always teases me when he sees old photo's of me when I was young

Siobhán said...

Oh my gosh!! What an amazing heirloom that quilt is. Lucky you. It'll go so nicely with all of your needlework treasures.

I love love love your new starts! I like the orange on the natural linen, but then, I'm a sucker for raspberry as a color, too. I think the colors look great on that linen. Love the start on your A&E, too. I definitely need to stitch this one! Le Printemps was such a fun stitch, but the chart is so teensy tiny. I don't usually mark up my charts but found it easiest to mark with a colored pencil through the bits that I stitched, since it's all lines. It's such a fun piece, though. I did that & L'Ete (and plan to stitch the other two girls, though I wish the autumn one weren't quite so odd looking!) and people can't believe that it's cross stitch.

Anyway, great new starts! And the frame for the BBD is PERFECT!

Laurie in Iowa said...

OMG the quilt your mom sent you is gorgeous. Lucky girl! Love all your new starts... you've picked wonderful projects.

Jules said...

Beautiful quilt! A great way to remember your childhood!!

Those WIPs look good so far! I like the orange for the lettering on the first one. It works well with the blue you have in there already!!

Virpi said...

Your starts looks great. Good luck with them =)

Christine said...

Great new starts. I like the orange colour for the lettering, but if I were you I think I'd try a letter in the raspberry as well and compare them side by side before I decided.
The quilt your Mother made is just beautiful

Giovanna said...

Lovely new starts, and great framing on Spring Fling - congrats!

Alice said...

I think kitting up a project is the best part! I love playing with floss and fabric. I adore the blues and love the orange A. I'd like to see raspberry too though, because I think that would also be pretty.

Great post!

Congrats on the beautiful quilt, what a nice keepsake.

Carol said...

Oh, Spring Fling looks gorgeous, Teresa, as do your other projects! I'm sure you will treasure the quilt from your mom--what a truly special keepsake :)

Kelly said...

You have too much fun going on in your life:) All of the patterns are great and the quilt is beautiful. The quilt is such an awsome gift.

Lorrie said...

WOW! Your start on the JP is amazing! I think the orange letter looks great but knowing you love of pinks I would opt for the raspberry. I've not heard of Heartstring Samplery before. I like the design - as you said whimsical! Quilt, OMG are you a lucky daughter! Really beautiful!

emmam said...

Mom, I like the orange letters on the SAL!

Jodie said...

Your Mom's quilt is beautiful! I always think it's such a great idea to make quilts out of old clothes that have some meaning :-) Great starts too!