
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May Month-end Stitching Updates

Permit Me Not to Stray
Heartstring Samplery
32 ct Belfast linen-Vintage Country Cream

Called for GAST threads and a couple of DMC substitutions

I have been struggling with blogger (see the spacing problem above). Some of my earlier posts were not cooperating and I have been having trouble leaving comments (sigh).

But I want to share with you the latest on the stitching front! As usual, I have gotten carried away with just one big project. Above is the last update on this Adam & Eve sampler. Here is today-

Isn't it lovely? Sorry for the slight fuzziness, but I know you can get the idea. The words in the bottom sash are over 1, so I left them for nearly the last thing :) I ran out of GAST Baby Spinach on the border and have been trying several different DMC threads to find an acceptable substitute. Nothing is really working though. I just ordered more Baby Spinach and hope the dye lot differences won't be too awful :(

Mystery Sampler
With Thy Needle and Thread
35 ct WDW Confederate Grey linen
Called for WDW threads

I normally stitch from the center out. So starting with the border is requiring a change of brain function for me. As you might recall, all previous attempts at starting in the corner inevitably result in an uneven border of fabric around the design. :) It took forever to get this far! But I am already loving this design!

Renaissance Designs
Five Christmas Trees Shimmering
18 ct mono canvas
Stitch guide by Pamela Harding

This one was actually worked on at the stitching retreat a month ago, but I forgot to show it to you. This one is a Crazy January Challenge project.

Raise the Roof
Happy Camper
32 ct Permin linen navy
DMC and GAST threads

This project is for my grandson. The fabric is hard to see even with my lighted magnifier. But the stitch count is only 102 x 88 so I think I'll get it done this year.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Stitchy Update

Blackbird Designs
Love Letters
32 ct Belfast linen Countrycream
Called for GAST threads

Another Christmas stitch done. Not sure if I'm going to finish this as an ornament. It is finished by Barb and Alma as a small box.

Jardin Prive SAL
Sampler aux Bouquets
Natural linen
DMC threads

My grandson was holding this piece-so please excuse the crookedness. I am actually liking these colors more as I get further along on this piece

Sunday, May 22, 2011

DD #1 Stocking Progress

DD#1 is busy on another stocking. And look at the great progress-this one will be a beauty!

We haven't had a family stitching day for a while now, but we are planning a weekend in Leavenworth WA soon. I think there will be a lot of stitching going on then :)

I got the first installment of the Mystery Sampler by Brenda Gervais (With Thy Needle & Thread) and was so anxious to get it started. But, of course, I didn't have the right size stretcher bars. Today, that was rectified and I will put in my first stitch tonight. How are you doing? Did you get your first installment yet?

More updates to come, I have been stitching on Jardin Prive SAL and finished another Christmas ornament.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blackbird Designs Tulip House Stitching Companion Box

If you love Blackbird Designs like I do, and you bought their recent book-A Stitcher's Journey, check out page 25-Tulip House Stitching Companion. It is a box top and a pincushion set that are finished as part of a blue box.

Now the instructions call for a box from Hobby Lobby and there are no Hobby Lobby's close to me. But I saw this great little box on Myra's blog that she made! No, I wasn't the winner of her giveaway (darn :) But, Myra was sweet enough to make up an extra box and I purchased this from her. Didn't it turn out wonderful? And she was kind enough to include a little piece of fabric that I will use for backing fabric on the pincushion!! Thank you, Myra! I am in love with this! Tulip House has moved way up on my to-do list :)

Mary Hannah Gipson Finish!

Mary Hannah Gipson
SANQ Summer 2010
30ct natural linen
DMC, GAST, Crescent Colour threads

She was a very quick stitch! And I love how the CC Manor Red thread looks at the top. Now I'm back to stitching on the Jardin Prive SAL and pulling out another Crazy January Challenge.

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Finish and A Start!

Blackbird Designs
2008 Mystery Sampler
30 ct R & R Highland Mist
Called for GAST and WDW threads

Another Crazy January Challenge finish! Feel free to click on this one to see it better. I did make a few changes. The WDW Moss ran out right at the end and I substituted WDW Olive on the stems of the flowers in the flower basket on some of the last section. Also, the GAST Shaker White didn't show up well on this fabric, so I used GAST Flax on some of the buds on the green border. Do you see how close I came to the end of the fabric on the right side? I cut this fabric to the specifications called for in the pattern, but wish I had another two inches.

Mary Hannah Gipson
SANQ Winter 2010
30 ct Natural Linen
DMC, WDW, & GAST threads

I admit that I am substituting some threads on this one. Three skeins of GAST Wood Trail are called for and I don't like that color OR the extensive use of it in this smallish sampler. So I am using WDW Bark for the border, name and age on the bottom. And GAST Manor Red for all of the upper alphabet, numbers, etc. So far I am really liking the red :)

I signed up for the Mystery Sampler by Brenda Gervais that is coming out later this month. Did anyone else? Inquiring minds want to know :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stitching Retreat Stitchy Update

Mary Glover
SAL with Emmanuelle at
Lakeside Linens 32ct Sand Dune
DMC threads

I had 2 finishes at the retreat--here is the first one.....Mary Glover is finished! She was so much fun! The rows still look a little wonky, but they can be stretched straight when framed. This was the first time I had done such a large area of rice stitches and it turned out lovely.

Thanks, Siobhan, for pointing this SAL out on your website. Don't worry, I have Hannah Gipson all kitted up and ready to start :)

Prairie Schooler 2008 ornament freebie
Insert from a stitching shop purchase
Don't know the name
32 ct light green mystery linen
DMC threads-ecru, 815, 895, 921, and 3371

This was my 2nd finish at the retreat. Sorry for the fuzzy pic, but you get the idea.

The Workbasket
Quaker Christmas Holly
32 ct light green mystery linen
DMC 895, 498 and Needle Necessities overdye 152

This one was started at the retreat, but finished at home. I especially like the overdyed border. And the fact that my stack of ornaments for Christmas is growing :)

Edit: I just realized that some beading is missing. Oops-I'll post another pic when that is done.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Back from Stitcher's Retreat!

The weather was sunny and warm (60's) in the daytime with only some wind. Definitely the best weather we have had in the 3 years I have been attending. I had ice on my windshield the first morning though :) Here is the Pacific Ocean when looking down the road from the cottage I stayed in.

Here is the ocean in my backyard-it looks blue in this picture instead of the normal grey. See the long shadows-it is 6:30 am.

Here we are hard at work on our projects. You can see some of the dining tables set up in the back. We stitched on one side of the room and ate on the other side.
The food was delish!

More stitching and socializing!

More stitching! Yes, there were 5 husbands there too.

Does this look like my plum blossom kimono? It is someone else's -she is further along than me! Can you believe that two women from my class are already finished with it? Wow!

Official stitching update coming up on the next post.