Here is today's new finish-for the first time ever I actually ran out of thread! The word heaven is a substitute brown and I am not sure about how it looks. I was using WDW Havana that was ordered online. So I felt pretty sure that my LNS would have a different lot number for the thread and it might not match. So, I pulled out the DMC and came up with this 839 as the closest brown I could find. I looked at my floss conversion chart and it said 869--but that was too red. What do you think?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Blackbird Designs Moonlit Garden Finish!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
New Start Winners!
Second place was a tie between Jenny Bean's Halloween sampler and Nancy's Needle Tulips and Fans Quilt-see below. Everyone is yearning for spring-do you think that explains the interest in bright colors for 2 of the 3 winners? I have made an executive decision and will be starting all 3! OK-now you aren't really surprised are you? lol
I am very close to another finish to share with you--hopefully tomorrow!
Monday, March 29, 2010
New Slideshow & Problems with my Blog
So please bear with me as I try to figure out what is going on!
Friday, March 26, 2010
My Sampler Wall
Now I am not finished! There are 3 more completed projects that could go on this wall, but shhh! don't tell my husband! He has been great about framing my stitching, but thinks that is all he does. So I have to wait for the right moment. :)
Don't forget to vote on which kitted up project I should start next. Scroll down to see the possibilities. So far, all the votes are for different ones--no clear consensus yet. :)
Have a great weekend and get lots of stitching done!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Small Finish and Several New Kitted Up Projects
Now, the result of my bout of "startitis"--I have totally too many WIP's (check my list on the right-hand column), so I can't start all of these. But, I would be interested to hear which ones you would vote for-
Whew! This is my longest post ever! Looking forward to your thoughts! Have a great stitchy day! (It is 69 degrees here in Seattle today-see spring is here :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Gay Ann Rogers Pumpkin Delight Finish
Monday, March 22, 2010
Gay Ann Rogers 2010 Finish!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Don't Miss This Giveaway!
Friday, March 19, 2010
2009 BBD Spring's Promise
Today is supposed to reach 62 degrees. That is definitely spring in my book! So here is a photo of a springy project-Blackbird Designs Spring's Promise. And another thrift store frame score-$1.99! This was my first use of overdyes in the basketweave stitch and see the diagonal lines in the base. Live and learn. :)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
St Patricks Day Green
My husband and I visited New York city in December of 2008 for the first (and probably only) time. We thoroughly enjoyed being tourists at many sites including the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Bldg, Times Square, etc. But the highlight of the visit for me was seeing Wicked on Broadway. I purchased this painted canvas by Raymond Crawford at Annie's needlepoint shop there.
My husband's highlight was:
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Gay Ann Rogers Tree Top Angel Update
Some new stash has arrived in the mail lately-:)
Friday, March 12, 2010
2009 Finish Lizzie Kate Flip Its
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
2009 Finish Sheepish Designs Betsy
Tomorrow night is my local ANG guild meeting. Looking forward to it. :)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Another 2010 Finish & Terrible Photos!
First, my daughter tells me that my blog photos look "pretty awful." And to start posting larger photos. So, here is my first effort. It is another 2010 finish. One change of the words Joyeux Noel to Merry Christmas. And I was able to find a frame that was very similar to the frame used in the Blackbird Designs book.
So, girls (all 3 of you and you know who you are), Mother's Day is coming up in May. Maybe a new camera (with great macro setting) would be in order this year?? Hint, hint!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
2009 Bent Creek Big Zipper Finish
Here is another 2009 finish of mine. Please forgive the shadows from the glass. It was originally charted a little too "new age" for me. So I did a few substitutions on words-like joy instead of enjoy and dwell in Christ instead of dwell in possibility. And the color of the fence along the bottom disappeared into the background so I had to use a tan color rather than white. Also I couldn't find an appropriate size acorn button for the squirrel in the upper right square, so this acorn looks like it would feed the squirrel for the entire winter! The pattern called for an 18 ct linen and pearl cotton threads with a design size of 21" X 21" Way too big for me, but this combo really worked. Altogether, it turned out just great.
Now, check out the frame! It is a thrift store find! That's right-$2.99 :)
Friday, March 5, 2010
2010 ANG SOTM Progress
Here is my progress on the 2010 ANG Stitch of the Month mystery. I hope you can see the green Vineyard Silk accents. Vineyard silk is my hands-down favorite thread right now. The main colors are Vineyard Silk Berry, Evening Sand, and Macaw. And the mottled brown 18ct canvas is a first for me. There is one substitution so far-1 strand of #4 Kreinik with 1 strand of Splendor for the Accentuate. Next month I'll try to get a better close-up.
I had big intentions to stitch up the 2009 SOTM kimono. But to be honest, I felt completely intimidated by some of the specialty stitches. This project seems much more doable for me and has already taught me a new technique for couching. :)
I Won a Giveaway!
Thank you so much to Donna of Needleworker Not in Paradise-see the link to her blog on the right margin. She stitched this adorable shamrock and finished it into a cute lapel pin with beads on the edge! I received it yesterday along with a very nice note from her.
It has already been worn to my grandson's birthday party and a house showing. Thanks again!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
New Finish & New Floorstand
Finally, a finish for 2010! This is the project I was stitching on so hard last weekend. It is Jardin Prive My Lady's Quaker. It is stitched on 40 ct Hand Dyed Fibers jackalope fabric with Week Dye Works Romance and Mascara threads. I am very pleased with how it turned out! I have seen this design stitched in many different colorways and it always looks good. Even my 5 yr old grandson was impressed with the curly hair on the girl.
This project was stitched 1 over 2 under my handy clip-on, lighted magnifier. These eyes just can't see 4o ct fabric without some help. Did you notice the small s & t on the bottom row are in Romance? They are my initials and instead of trying to insert them somewhere on the design, I just changed the color to stand out. It was not my original idea--I saw it somewhere on the Internet.
Now, how to finish this? A square black frame would look really nice, so, of course, I don't have one. OR a pillow finish with pink/black fabric? I will have to see what is in my stash.
My last post pointed out the top clamp of my new Needlework System 4 floor stand. After waiting (and saving) for almost a year, I got it about 2 weeks ago from Threadneedle Street. Denise gave me instructions on a very quick assembly and voila! my Prairie Schooler ABC project is in it. The stretcher bars on that project are 18" X 22", so it is a good-sized project and so far I am loving every minute of it. :) The head allows me to just swivel the stretcher bars to the back to start or tie-off threads. Then swivel it back. No clamps, just swivel. I stitched on a K's Creation floor stand at a retreat last year and liked it too. So it was a tough decision, but so far, so good.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Prairie Schooler ABC SAL
I also changed the letter U from Unlock to Umbrella, but the picture only has some minor changes. The letter V got stalled because I am not in love with the picture for Vineyard. It is a large dog with a small house/vineyard in the background. Any ideas for a change on that one?
I am going to move on to letters S and T for March and will revisit V in the future. S is for sewing and T is for time. If you look at the very top of the picture, you will see the clamp to my brand new Needlework System 4 floor stand. More on that in the future!